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Mukilteo Marketplace Rules
and Conditions


Set-up is Friday Sept. 5th from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Set up should be completed before marketplace business hours begin @ 4:00PM. Enter Lighthouse Park via Front St, Mukilteo, check in at the front gate to obtain your parking pass and directions to your booth location.

Business Hour Requirements

Closing a booth during market hours is not permitted. All booths are required to be open and attended:

Friday 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday 11:00am t0 7:00pm
Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm

The Work

All art and artisan products must be original work (no mass production products permitted).

Artist teams are permitted. The names of all artists on a team must be listed in application.


All food items must be pre-packaged and a food handler’s permit is required on site. No cooking or unpackaged edibles permitted in the marketplace.

Booths must fit within the boundaries of your booth assignment.

Booths should be anchored to withstand Northwest weather conditions and strong winds off the sound. Booths cannot be staked into the ground, they must be weighted. The Mukilteo Lighthouse Festival Association (MLFA) assumes no liability.

All non-corner booths must be erected with three enclosed sides (rear and sides). Corner booths must be erected with two closed sides. After market hours, all open sides of all booths must be covered, thus enclosing all sides of the booth during off hours.

Power and Lighting

There is no electricity in the Marketplace area.

Personal generators and strobe or flashing lights are not permitted.

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Po Box 1263, Mukilteo, WA 98275



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Website by Biondi Media